Monday, November 6, 2017

Reading QR Codes

           When I was younger my mom would read me a bed time story every night before I went to bed so you could say I had a lot of books growing up. I loved reading as a child and still do enjoy reading for enjoyment from time to time. Since I someday hope to be a Kindergarten teacher I will have many picture books in my collection for students to read, over all kinds of different topics. In my own classroom someday I plan to read a picture book to my students everyday if time allows.
          With the help of the TA (Teaching Assistant) in my Ed Tech and Design class she helped me find this link on Pinterest where students can scan the QR codes on a phone, tablet or computer. When you scan the QR code it will direct you to videos online of people reading the book. Some of the books are even read by celebrities! For kids who may not have someone to read to them at night or might not have a particular book but want to hear the book can scan the code and have the book  read to them. It's as simple as that! I think this tool is absolutely amazing because I believe it is extremely important for kids to be read to as they grow up, because a child will develop skills that will be used for a lifetime.

This is what the QR codes look like. They show a picture of what book you are scanning and the QR code.
Found on Pinterest. 
You can find all kinds of different QR Codes on Pinterest all you have to do is type in QR Codes on  Pinterest and you have access hundreds of different picture books!
This is the link to the Pinterest login page

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